I kept straight ahead trailing in his wake, in footsteps he and multitudes of others, human and nonhuman—the rats, the roaches, the pigeons—left behind on that sidewalk…some dancing, some not, on my way home. That summer, my dance of love for all life on earth, began. In the summer of ’69, while everyone was at Woodstock, I […]
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The Year I Stopped ‘Saving’ Animals
It was early Spring, 1998, Glastonbury, England. I was snuggled against the fence around a pasture of sheep munching on the lush green of their friendly environment, their tails idly wagging at the joy of being alive on that sparkling day. Basking in pastoral delight, my eyes rested on a little lamb prancing up to […]
Based on an FBI report, if you eat animals, you are prone to violence
NPR’s video and transcript gave news yesterday that the FBI will now “track animal abuse the way it tracks arson or assault.” The research we’ve known about for decades is still spot on. Animal abusers, whether children or adults, are likely to extend their violence to humans. Jeffrey Dahmer, Son of Sam, school shooters, gangs. All animal […]
Ew, a Hare in my Whole Foods Rabbit Stew
Typo: hair, not hare. Nothing worse than finding a hair in your rabbit stew. You immediately imagine the hair’s origin. A greasy head. Or worse, a greasy, scaly head belonging to a body whose owner thinks “hygiene” is a greeting. The worst: What if the hair belongs to the rabbit in the rabbit stew? Even […]
“Rescue Me From My Boring Rescue Dog”
Here’s the gist of what a desperate man said to me in his cry for help: “Brought this rescue dog home from the shelter a couple of months ago. I figured, wow, my new friend to come home to! He’ll be excited at the very sight of me. He’ll play ball with me. Get me […]
Secretly Wanting Her Cat Dead
Wanting her cat dead was so secret, even she didn’t have a clue why she forgot to close the window the day he fell to earth. But her cat lived to tell his tale, and was quick to clue her in, in our chat. You might shudder, thinking what a nasty person she is. She’s […]
Our Planet. Theirs too.
Dear animal loving friends: I know how much you love your dogs, your cats, your bunnies, your sweet birds, your horses. You love them as much as your own children. Some animals even more than your own children, you have told me. You refer to yourselves as their guardians, not their owners. I know the […]
Cats, Dinosaurs, Humans. Same Path.
We all know that all species – cats included, believe it or not, LOL – are governed by the same laws of nature. But few realize, aside from scientists, that each individual in each animal species is born with a unique purpose to fulfill beyond that of survival and reproduction. The chickens and pigs roasted […]
How I Became a Happy Vegan Black Sheep
Decades ago, before I stopped eating sweet, innocent herbivores, aka, meat–little lambs, baby boy calves, teenage cows, chicken tots, and piglets and their moms and dads–I had chronic fatigue symptoms, severe thyroid and pancreatic issues, a taxed liver, and chronic bouts of anxiety and depression. When compassion gave me the courage to switch to a […]
When Wild Lives Become Backyard Pests…
…please do no harm. Instead, talk to the little perpetrators heart-to-heart, by way of animal communication, our primary language. Whether they are upsetting your space, chomping on the roots of your fruit trees and vegetable gardens, creating a stink, gnawing at the walls of your home, chewing on your car engine wires, and/or finishing off […]