Meet Thor. Like his mythical namesake, this equine god of thunder now lives within the ranks of the unseen. Not even what we perceive as unbearable physical pain affected his smooth gait as he moved with grace through his brief transition. His devoted human companion, as sharp and lovingly attentive as she is, didn’t have […]
Pet’s End-of-Life Transition
The Year I Stopped ‘Saving’ Animals
It was early Spring, 1998, Glastonbury, England. I was snuggled against the fence around a pasture of sheep munching on the lush green of their friendly environment, their tails idly wagging at the joy of being alive on that sparkling day. Basking in pastoral delight, my eyes rested on a little lamb prancing up to […]
Our Planet. Theirs too.
Dear animal loving friends: I know how much you love your dogs, your cats, your bunnies, your sweet birds, your horses. You love them as much as your own children. Some animals even more than your own children, you have told me. You refer to yourselves as their guardians, not their owners. I know the […]
Most Essential Way to Ease Our Pets’ ‘End-of-Life’ Transition
The thought of losing a dying pet is excruciating. We project unbearable grief and pity into those beautiful eyes staring back at us, with life still breathing through them. Yet our pets’ end of life transition can be as nature designed: a deeply enriching adventure of letting go for both us and our pets. We […]
Dying to Live
A woman wondered if Dobie, her dog, was sick and wanted to die because for weeks he seemed fatigued and depressed. In a session on the phone with the woman, I got that Dobie was saying, yes, he was sick and tired, and that he was dying because death was looking like a more lively […]