A video on Instagram invoked an animal knee jerk reaction in me so strong that I have to immediately make noise here, about the word, noise. My initial mission in 2003 to come out of the closet online with my animal communication skills—an inborn gift that animals including humans and all of life share—was, is, […]
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Greatful Animal I Am when…
In nature, I tune into individuals of plant, animal, and insect species. Sometimes, my sensory experience is so unexpected, so awe inspiring that I cannot feel anything less than ‘greatful’. First, I feel the expected burst of love within my heart connecting us; this is essential in my animal communication sessions. Then, the real magic […]
May Be How Birds do It
Normally, but not always, it was unbearable for me to sit outside on this disheveled acre in nature with even just a neighbor’s hyperactive leaf-blower insulting my senses. This morning, however odd, I walked up the same hill with the same cup in hand, and was this time, astonished to feel at peace in the midst […]
From Hvaldimir, the Beluga Whale Escapee
Hvaldimir made headlines a while back as an escaped whale trained to be a Russian spy. Thanks to fellow environmental and animal activist Dr. Megan Joy asking me to connect with him, Hvaldimir tells us below—my words match his thought frequencies I received—that he is using his freedom and fame to help us out […]
Communicating with Insect Animals
My recent letter to the New York Times Magazine editors: “Thank you so much for your article about seeing bugs for ‘who’ they are. Not inferior to humans or other animals. Just different, each with their own unique skills and sensitivities. “Since I was four, I’ve been connecting with various bugs. Most become still […]
‘My’ Dog is a Workaholic
Sweetgrass, the Workaholic Dachshund, is a grassroots kind of female. Need I say more, except that it’s pretty obvious why she chose her name. She loves digging down to, and beyond, her grass roots. The sweetest thing on earth to do, in her opinion. I could go on and on with silly stuff about my […]
How This Horse Overrode His Pain
Meet Thor. Like his mythical namesake, this equine god of thunder now lives within the ranks of the unseen. Not even what we perceive as unbearable physical pain affected his smooth gait as he moved with grace through his brief transition. His devoted human companion, as sharp and lovingly attentive as she is, didn’t have […]
Even Dogs Act Ugly When They Feel They LOOK Ugly
Recently, I did a phone session for a dog and his human companion. He knew he was beautiful by the way people responded to him at first sight. Some dogs, like humans, become stuck-up with feelings of superiority when seeing through our eyes how physically beautiful they are. Not this dog. He was beautiful outside and […]
Power Animal Class Series
Please contact me to register, or, if you do not live near the location of the following 3 classes and would like to host any of them in your state at a later date, or prefer them as a teleseminar or webinar, please call, text, or email me. In Shamanism, power animals are wild. As spirit animals, […]
Help Wild Horses Keep Our Spirits High
We all love the feeling of wild horses kicking up their heels, galloping with manes flying through infinity across America’s great landscapes and the untamed scope of our dreams. Thanks to American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign, […]