Meet Thor. Like his mythical namesake, this equine god of thunder now lives within the ranks of the unseen. Not even what we perceive as unbearable physical pain affected his smooth gait as he moved with grace through his brief transition. His devoted human companion, as sharp and lovingly attentive as she is, didn’t have […]
Animal Healing
Even Dogs Act Ugly When They Feel They LOOK Ugly
Recently, I did a phone session for a dog and his human companion. He knew he was beautiful by the way people responded to him at first sight. Some dogs, like humans, become stuck-up with feelings of superiority when seeing through our eyes how physically beautiful they are. Not this dog. He was beautiful outside and […]
Reminiscence of a True Sense of Horse Sense
We hiked up a gold grass foothill in the far eastern edge of Milpitas. Not a tree, not even a trace of green on that hill. Just solid gold rolling up to the big clear blue sky. Atop the hill was a herd of paint, alabaster white, and bay horses. One of the whites perked up […]
The Year I Stopped ‘Saving’ Animals
It was early Spring, 1998, Glastonbury, England. I was snuggled against the fence around a pasture of sheep munching on the lush green of their friendly environment, their tails idly wagging at the joy of being alive on that sparkling day. Basking in pastoral delight, my eyes rested on a little lamb prancing up to […]
The Horse Who Bucked for Love
A client called about her horse’s aloof behavior. I quickly assumed that the equine wanted to be alone and didn’t like exercise because it was her nature to be lazy and withdrawn. We invent logical reasons to say why an animal acts the way s/he does; easier and more convenient than breathing deep beneath the […]
Animals: Masters of the Art of Letting Go
In response to my January 3rd post, a reader emailed me to ask if the blood disease in the cat was treatable. I emailed her back to say that since my posting, the cat had new test results showing that the disease was losing power. Through vet-medication, plus a discussion with the cat where she […]
Which Came First…
Yet more proof that stress in our bodies is usually reflected in the bodies of our beloved pets as well, and, apparently vice versa. Zorro, a dog, was limping on his right leg. During a healing session by phone, I got that the limp was due to stress lodged in between his shoulder blades and […]
Like-Hearted Animals
A horse’s heart –any mammal’s heart – resonates in energetic frequency with the human heart. I know not because scientific research finally realizes this, but from my own experience with animals, two of which were horses. Several years ago, a client asked me to give a Reiki-Polarity treatment to her miniature horse who suffered from […]
Caged-in Canine
A client called me for a phone session about her newly adopted canine friend who spent the first few years of his life in a cage at a puppy mill, and was later released to serve time in prison at a women’s detention facility. My client was concerned that there might be emotional scars lingering […]
Horse Power
Recently, I communicated with an aspiring endurance horse who refused to endure his female human on his back. For privacy sake, let’s call him George, and her, Susan. Aside from my sensing that that his lower spine hurt and shot pain out to the top of his left haunch, George said that he did not […]