Thank you for remembering we are all connected—not just to our pets and human relatables. The global mess we’re in is the outward expression of humanity’s disconnect from our empathetic animal selves. Please be vegan. Not just for the sake of goats. But for all our sake.
Animal Rights
The Lobster Who Ran for Help
Thanks to the smarts of this lobster on death row in a French market, the acquatic innocent is now free thanks to Emanuelle. A woman with exceptional reverence for the crustacean caught in the net of human disconnect, ignorance, and greed. On the surface, an insignificant lobster. Inside the shell—bought for $160 EUROS, about […]
Help Wild Horses Keep Our Spirits High
We all love the feeling of wild horses kicking up their heels, galloping with manes flying through infinity across America’s great landscapes and the untamed scope of our dreams. Thanks to American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign, […]
Reminiscence of a True Sense of Horse Sense
Reminiscence of a true sense of horse sense eventually does show up at about 3/4 of the way down this page. In the meantime, the story goes like this: We hiked up a gold grass hill in the far eastern edge of Milpitas. It was hot. Real hot. 115 Degrees Farenheit hot. As hot as […]
Rehabs for Meat Addicts
I could have used the support of a rehab while I was in recovery from meat addiction in 1978. It was pretty lonely back then. Now, you can go online and instantly receive support and encouragement if you’re a vegan newbie, or wannabee. Thanks to All Creatures posting yesterday an article about the new book, […]
The Summer My Love for All Life Began
I kept straight ahead trailing in his wake, in footsteps he and multitudes of others, human and nonhuman—the rats, the roaches, the pigeons—left behind on that sidewalk…some dancing, some not, on my way home. That summer, my dance of love for all life on earth, began. In the summer of ’69, while everyone was at Woodstock, I […]
The Year I Stopped ‘Saving’ Animals
It was early Spring, 1998, Glastonbury, England. I was snuggled against the fence around a pasture of sheep munching on the lush green of their friendly environment, their tails idly wagging at the joy of being alive on that sparkling day. Basking in pastoral delight, my eyes rested on a little lamb prancing up to […]
Based on an FBI report, if you eat animals, you are prone to violence
NPR’s video and transcript gave news yesterday that the FBI will now “track animal abuse the way it tracks arson or assault.” The research we’ve known about for decades is still spot on. Animal abusers, whether children or adults, are likely to extend their violence to humans. Jeffrey Dahmer, Son of Sam, school shooters, gangs. All animal […]
Ew, a Hare in my Whole Foods Rabbit Stew
Typo: hair, not hare. Nothing worse than finding a hair in your rabbit stew. You immediately imagine the hair’s origin. A greasy head. Or worse, a greasy, scaly head belonging to a body whose owner thinks “hygiene” is a greeting. The worst: What if the hair belongs to the rabbit in the rabbit stew? Even […]
“Rescue Me From My Boring Rescue Dog”
Here’s the gist of what a desperate man said to me in his cry for help: “Brought this rescue dog home from the shelter a couple of months ago. I figured, wow, my new friend to come home to! He’ll be excited at the very sight of me. He’ll play ball with me. Get me […]