In nature, I tune into individuals of plant, animal, and insect species. Sometimes, my sensory experience is so unexpected, so awe inspiring that I cannot feel anything less than ‘greatful’.
First, I feel the expected burst of love within my heart connecting us; this is essential in my animal communication sessions.
Then, the real magic happens: I watch the specific lifeform I’m focusing on dissolve into a radiant light jumping the space between us…connecting us up close and personal.
I’m not grateful for those sensory experiences of my animal self. I am greatful.
Greatful in those rare moments when a tree reaches out to me and spreads its branches, not physical, but etheric branches wrapping love around me from across the many yards between us. The breadth of love is so intensely huge that it overwhelms me with feeling a great fullness without borders.
“I am you. You are me. Together we are three. Living in unity, in harmony,” says the tree, or maybe me. Not sure who’s who in those simple but true moments of oneness.
Somewhat similar to listening to music so rapturous to your senses to the point where you see the musicians before you dissolve into gold light as the music plays on, whorling you into formless light and sound and bliss.
By the way, “grate”, as in “grateful”, is an obsolete word with Latin roots. It means, “agreeable”. And we all know how agreeable people can sometimes grate on our nerves. Like a highschool band trying to master the Masters.

This post was intended to be more than about my navel gazing.
It was to be about breathing into and out of trees, a blade of grass, a bug, an animal. A pet.
Yet, communing with a member of nature to the very depths of our being is a kind of navel gazing that happens to be more inclusive…
Leading us to a greatfullness far more reaching than usual gratefulness in moments calling for more.
Calling for being like an animal when being human is not enough.