How Animal Communication is a Spiritual Experience

With due respect to all faiths and religions, the process of communicating with animals – animal communication – is the same as if you were to talk to God, including possibly needing to get down on your knees with your pet.

Once you are in a comfortable position without any distractions, you quiet your mind. You breathe deep down through your chest, your heart center. You begin to feel at peace, and connected to the Beauty within all Life.

You feel the energetic heart-to-heart connection between you and God, in this case, your pet.

You say what you need to say to this beautiful Being of Light. You ask
him or her a question silently in your mind.

You breathe through the moment allowing the answer space to pop into your mind as a thought, or into your heart as an emotion, or into your body as a feeling, a deep knowing.

As an animal communicator by profession, I get to have a spiritual
experience every hour of my animal communication work.

You get to have the experience right now with your pets.

Contact me if you need help.

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