Thank you for remembering we are all connected—not just to our pets and human relatables. Global unrest is the outward expression of the human inner disconnect. Please be vegan. Not just for the sake of dairy goats. But for the sake of peace. For all our sake.
The Human-Animal Connection
The Lobster Who Ran for Help
Thanks to the smarts of this lobster on death row in a French market, the acquatic innocent is now free thanks to Emanuelle. A woman with deep compassion and reverence for the insignificant crustacean caught in the net of human disconnect, ignorance, and greed. On the surface, an ordinary looking lobster. Inside the hard […]
Animal Voices are not Weird Animal Noises
An awesome video invoked a knee jerk reaction in me so strong that I have to immediately make noise here about the word, noise, in the reel’s headline, “Weird Animal Noises”. A cute, but unjustified choice of words to describe the heartfelt sounds of the animals shown. My initial mission in 2003 to come out […]
Communicating with Insect Animals
My recent letter to the New York Times Magazine editors: “Thank you so much for your article about seeing bugs for ‘who’ they are. Not inferior to humans or other animals. Just different, each with their own unique skills and sensitivities. “Since I was four, I’ve been connecting with various bugs. Most become still […]
‘My’ Dog is a Workaholic
Sweetgrass, the Workaholic Dachshund, is a grassroots kind of female. Need I say more, except that it’s pretty obvious why she chose her name. She loves digging down to, and beyond, her grass roots. The sweetest thing on earth to do, in her opinion. I could go on and on with silly stuff about my […]
Reminiscence of a True Sense of Horse Sense
Reminiscence of a true sense of horse sense eventually does show up at about 3/4 of the way down this page. In the meantime, the story goes like this: We hiked up a gold grass hill in the far eastern edge of Milpitas. It was hot. Real hot. 115 Degrees Farenheit hot. As hot as […]
Rehabs for Meat Addicts
I could have used the support of a rehab while I was in recovery from meat addiction in 1978. It was pretty lonely back then. Now, you can go online and instantly receive support and encouragement if you’re a vegan newbie, or wannabee. Thanks to All Creatures posting yesterday an article about the new book, […]
The Summer My Love for All Life Began
I kept straight ahead trailing in his wake, in footsteps he and multitudes of others, human and nonhuman—the rats, the roaches, the pigeons—left behind on that sidewalk…some dancing, some not, on my way home. That summer, my dance of love for all life on earth, began. In the summer of ’69, while everyone was at Woodstock, I […]
Ew, a Hare in my Whole Foods Rabbit Stew
Typo: hair, not hare. Nothing worse than finding a hair in your rabbit stew. You immediately imagine the hair’s origin. A greasy head. Or worse, a greasy, scaly head belonging to a body whose owner thinks “hygiene” is a greeting. The worst: What if the hair belongs to the rabbit in the rabbit stew? Even […]
Secretly Wanting Her Cat Dead
Wanting her cat dead was so secret, even she didn’t have a clue why she forgot to close the window the day he fell to earth. But her cat lived to tell his tale, and was quick to clue her in, in our chat. You might shudder, thinking what a nasty person she is. She’s […]