Animal communication keeps me honest. I can’t check my texts and emails, watch videos, bite my toe nails, or hate my wrinkles if your animal is speaking to me. My canine companion should be this lucky. Multi-tasking is strictly off limits during a phone session, total presence a must…that goes for the client, as well. When […]
The Human-Animal Connection
Through the Eyes of Your Animals
Your animals have a lot to say about you. After all, their eyes are windows to your soul. Your beauty is clearly reflected in them. And vice versa. Yes, there might also be some pain and fear in those eyes. If there is, wouldn’t you like to see less of that? That’s where an animal […]
Animal Communication: It’s Not Just About Your Pets
Animal communication is often about you. But you already know that. Your animals feel you. They want you to feel them. How? By being more like the animal you are born to be: present in your body, in your mind, in your heart…like an animal. Like your pets, your body is always sending out and […]
What NOT to do Re: Missing Pets
Animal communication clients who call me about missing pets are in a state of panic. It’s natural to feel intense pain when you think you’ll never see your pet again, or that s/he might be trapped in a horrible hand of fate. Panic constricts us from connecting to our inner knowing and peace of mind. […]
How Animal Communication is a Spiritual Experience
With due respect to all faiths and religions, the process of communicating with animals – animal communication – is the same as if you were to talk to God, including possibly needing to get down on your knees with your pet. Once you are in a comfortable position without any distractions, you quiet your mind. […]
Most Essential Way to Ease Our Pets’ ‘End-of-Life’ Transition
The thought of losing a dying pet is excruciating. We project unbearable grief and pity into those beautiful eyes staring back at us, with life still breathing through them. Yet our pets’ end of life transition can be as nature designed: a deeply enriching adventure of letting go for both us and our pets. We […]
When not to Bark Back at Your Barking Dog
If your barking dog seems to be ‘barking at nothing’ or just talking to a neighbor’s dog in the distance, ask your dog in a nice way, to stop barking. It’s that simple. Feeling frustrated and yelling at your dog to shut up will only amp up your dog’s barking in response to your excitation. […]
Human Spirit?
A friend was telling me how great he thinks the human spirit is in reference to the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti. It’s amazing how amazed people are when they see how people, after suffering horrific trauma, eventually feel reborn – empowered – with the help of millions of their own species supporting and […]
PBS’ flickering “Human Spark”
Narrator Alan Alda, makes a feeble attempt to make us feel good about defiling the world in the recent PSB video, “The Human Spark” that shows us we have two brain functions–insight and imagination–that separate us from (other)animals.Wrong. I know many non-human animals with insight and imagination capabilities equal to, if not superior to ours. […]
Natural versus normal connection
David Schwartz of WPKN in Connecticut interviewed me on the radio last night regarding my new book, LIKE an ANIMAL: When Being Human is not Enough. In the book I mention that at age four, I turned my attention from a “normal life” to relate more to animals. The radio host interpreted this as a […]