Please contact me to register, or, if you do not live near the location of the following 3 classes and would like to host any of them in your state at a later date, or prefer them as a teleseminar or webinar, please call, text, or email me.
In Shamanism, power animals are wild. As spirit animals, they come to us on the etheric plane to assist us in accessing inner strengths and wisdom on our journeys through life. Pets are not considered power animals, except in the case of a rare exception. As a longtime animal communicator and medium, I experience pets as born power animals, except in the case of a rare exception.
Each class is complete─a benefit in and of itself─regardless of whether you can take the whole series or only take one.
1st Class: Pet or Power Animal?
Pets usually shower us with abundant affection and entertainment; in a way, those blessings alone, make them our power animals. In this class, you will learn how to help fulfill your pets’ ambition to be recognized as power animals supporting you with unique insights on ways to fulfill your potential, purpose, goals, and needs. In turn, you will become more of your pets’ power animal by helping them play out their own personal destinies.
2nd Class: Meet Your Spirit Animals
Reach in to the other side to meet your power animals, as spirits working behind the scenes to assist you. They may be wild animals. They may be your beloved pets who transitioned over. They may be both. Either way, isn’t it high time that you meet the animal ghost writers helping you with your life’s script?
3rd Class: Messages from Your Spirit Animals
This is where we get into some meaningful conversations with them. Ask them anything that you really need to know. They’ve been talking to you all along. Except, now, you’ll be able to hear your spirit animals more clearly, and consciously make better life choices with their input.
Series Price: $111 Individual Classes: $44 Available Spaces: 15 Where: Morgan Hill, CA Date: 6/7/18─Pet or Power Animal? Date: 6/21/18─Meet Your Spirit Animals
Time for Above 2 Classes: 6:30-8:00
Date: 7/7/18─Messages From Your Spirit Animals Time: 4:30-6:00