Animal communication is often about you. But you already know that. Your animals feel you. They want you to feel them. How? By being more like the animal you are born to be: present in your body, in your mind, in your heart…like an animal. Like your pets, your body is always sending out and […]
The Human-Animal Self
Human Spirit?
A friend was telling me how great he thinks the human spirit is in reference to the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti. It’s amazing how amazed people are when they see how people, after suffering horrific trauma, eventually feel reborn – empowered – with the help of millions of their own species supporting and […]
PBS’ flickering “Human Spark”
Narrator Alan Alda, makes a feeble attempt to make us feel good about defiling the world in the recent PSB video, “The Human Spark” that shows us we have two brain functions–insight and imagination–that separate us from (other)animals.Wrong. I know many non-human animals with insight and imagination capabilities equal to, if not superior to ours. […]
Ask Any Barking Dog
Like any animal, humans have an innate capacity for empathy: the ability to feel in our bodies what someone else is feeling in his/her own body, i.e., suppressed emotions. Sometimes, when I cho0se not to funnel my anger through non-violent communication, I dramatize it much to the chagrin of who(m)ever is within earshot. The good […]
A World No Longer Run by Half-Wits
Some of us connect more easily with animals and nature because we let our intelligence thrive naturally like an animal, in circular all inclusive whole-brain patterns of thought. Free beyond the limitations of exclusive linear logic used by men and women confined to the boundaries of the frontal cortex. If we are ever to become […]
Animals: Masters of the Art of Letting Go
In response to my January 3rd post, a reader emailed me to ask if the blood disease in the cat was treatable. I emailed her back to say that since my posting, the cat had new test results showing that the disease was losing power. Through vet-medication, plus a discussion with the cat where she […]
Which Came First…
Yet more proof that stress in our bodies is usually reflected in the bodies of our beloved pets as well, and, apparently vice versa. Zorro, a dog, was limping on his right leg. During a healing session by phone, I got that the limp was due to stress lodged in between his shoulder blades and […]