Yes, I am…in moments of feeling deeply thankful.
“Agreeable” is the meaning of the absolete word “grate”, and we all know how agreeable people can grate on our nerves.
Recent years whenever I felt truly greatfull and would immediatly message someone to tell them how thankful I was for their service…their catalyzing love and/or hatred, their kindness or lack there of, I would unintentionally type “greatful”, and then quickly backspace to override my mispelling by keying in “grateful”, the politically correct spell-ing; I thought myself too small, hence, arrogant to leave in what my soul called out to express.
The rest of this post is not about my navel gazing, it is about, communing with, aka, breathing into and out of trees, animals, a bush, a worm.
And yet, connecting with nature is an extension of navel gazing…
…more to come in a day or more; I am first claiming my spot here before I once again, stuff yet another of my perceptions under the piles of paper shreds of scribbles mostly illegible even to me, smothered in dust wherever I sit.