Animal Voices are not Weird Animal Noises

An awesome video online invoked a knee jerk reaction in me so strong that I have to immediately make noise here, about the phrase, “weird animal noises” used in the reel to describe the heartfelt sounds of the animals shown.

Please bear with me as I make your way to the point of this post’s title. Thank you.

My initial mission in 2003 to come out of the closet online with my animal communication skills—an inborn gift that animals including humans and all of life share—was and is to hopefully inspire compassion for at least all animals, not just our pets.

Listening Meerkat

All of life is joined together…entangled…according to quantum physicists and mystics alike. If we were not all connected together within one ‘heart’, we would not all have the means to communicate with all life — the foolproof tool to make others fully aware of our presence and significance.

If all living beings were not intrinsically connected, a flower for example would not have the necessary color to signal bees that “luscious nectar is right here for you.”

A bee’s changing vibrational frequency would lack the capacity for a flower to know the bee’s intention to simply snuggle between the petals for a nap, or drink in the flower’s nectar and carry her pollen away to help birth more flowers and nectar.

A tiger would not smell the scent of fear or sense the vibration of our energy signaling that a juicy meal is available nearby for the taking.

We humans are still limited by the concept that words are the best forms of communication with each other. Yet, our verbal language is not understood by anyone who hasn’t learned it.

And as we all know, two humans who actually do speak the same language are either not entirely understood by the other, or are often misunderstood. We comfortably accept this failing as miscommunication.

I understand every sentence I write here. But am I communicating clearly to you what I assume my words are saying?

Flower and Bee in deep rapport

Words. An extremely limiting form of expression. When you think about it with more than words.

Hopefully, we will all eventually embrace more fully our animal embodied physical telepathy(I coined the phrase in my 2009 book)as well as mental telepathy.

Humanity’s outrageous belief that we are superior to all other species is the very mechanistic stronghold that will be the end of us all, if we continue to believe we are better than nature.

So what has the yawn you may be feeling right now got to do with the title of this post?


Judging animal sounds as “noise” is easily a subtle enhancement of our imagined separation from our animal relatives living in the natural world…despite the awe inspiring, deeply intimate, far reaching affect their not at all weird sounds actually have on us.

The sound of a voice from any of nature’s wild animals, if we listen, is a voice so pure that it can touch us beyond the wrongheaded belief that we humans are bestowed with a righteous permit to torture and/or murder our natural relatives and destroy the water and the ground on and in which they live, because we can.

Major planetary cataclycisms are cyclical. Maybe the planetary mess we’re unwantonly creating is naturally programmed into human nature along with our fullon hubris to help nature accelerate the incoming cataclism. A kind of getting our lives as we know them, over with.

This is the Year of the Snake shedding skin according to the Chinese Calendar based on the ancient MU Calendar. MU, though believed by current humanity to be a mythological continent, was actually a continent acknowledged by a few modern scholars as the first civilization, now a mere myth.

I wonder what Earth shedding her skin to make room for the new sounds like.

The noise of a leaf blower ramped up inside our ears?

The lullaby of an elk, a loon, a meerkat?



All of the above?

Wonder Full.

Wishing Earth’s Newbirth a Resounding Happy Forever Valentine.

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