Spirit and Animal Communication Classes and Events with Jane Broccolo


The seven opportunities listed below are in-person in Santa Cruz County, California. If you would prefer that I come to you in your state or country, that would be doable, too, if your were to arrange a group of interested participants.

Power Animal Series

  Assisted with the trance inducing heartbeat of my two-sided shamanic drum.

In Shamanism, power animals are wild. As spirit animals, they come to us on the etheric plane to assist us in accessing inner strengths and wisdom on our journeys through life. Pets are not considered power animals, except in the case of a rare exception. As a longtime animal communicator and medium, I experience pets, as tame as they are, as born power animals, except in the case of a rare exception.

Each class is complete─a benefit in and of itself─regardless of whether you can take the whole series or only take one.

1st Class: Pet or Power Animal?

Pets usually shower us with affection and entertainment; in a way, those blessings alone, make them our power animals. In this class, you will learn how to help fulfill your pets’ ambitions to be recognized as true power animals supporting you with unique guidance on ways to fulfill your potential, purpose, goals, and needs. In turn, you will become more of your pets’ power animal by helping them play out their own personal destinies.

2nd Class: Meet Your Spirit Animals

Reach in to the other side to meet your power animals, as spirits working behind the scenes to assist you. They may be wild animals. They may be your beloved pets who transitioned over. They may be both. Either way, isn’t it high time that you meet the animal ghost writers helping you with your life’s script?

3rd Class:  Messages from Your Spirit Animals

This is where we get into some meaningful conversations with them. Ask them anything that you really need to know. They’ve been talking to you all along. Except, now, you’ll be able to hear your spirit animals more clearly, and consciously make better life choices with their input.

Series Price: $222

Individual Classes: $88


The following 3 Classes are not part of the Power Animal Series:


A Big Nerve We’ve got Acting as Animal Communicators

Say hello to your vagus nerve (not at all entirely in the photo:). I have one, too. At least all mammals do. The vagus nerve is the oldest, biggest, most accurate animal communicator in the world. At least, that’s my sense of it. It extends all the way from the gut, the 3rd chakra of gut feelings, through the 6th chakra, the 3rd eye of telepathy. (All mammals have chakras, aka, vortexes, too.) The vagus nerve conducts deep communication not only between you and your pets, but within every relationship in your life. Come listen to it speak volumes to you, and everyone around you.

Price: $88


‘Text’ Your Pets When You’re not Home 

Dealing with a pet’s separation anxiety? Feeling guilty that the dog or bird is bored and lonely all day while you’re at work? Afraid the cat might pee outside the box again, just for spite? Wish you could remind the Chiwawa not to attack the Lab? Need to tell your pets that dinner will be running late? Or you left them scared at the kennel, or the vets? Come learn an easy way to ‘text’ reassurance to your pets that literally could be a welcomed breather from even tech-texting your human pets.

Price: $88



How to Talk with Your Pets in Their Own Language

This is about the primary language of animals nonhuman and human…the silent way we listened and spoke fluently as infants before our human verbal skills kicked in. It’s about talking like an animal, plain & simple. Come prepared to have a full body experience. No barking, LOL.

Price $88




Coming to Your Senses in the Stillness of the Redwood Forest – Event

We are the pillars of  your strength

The journey of your life

Your destiny standing still

for you to catch up and sink your roots

into our soul.

   ∼ Spirit of the Redwood Forest

Please join me and possibly others on a day you choose, to breathe in through every pore of your being, the refreshing stillness of the Redwood Forest.

Feel wholly alive, alert, and present like an animal at home in the natural world.

At peace, as Nature intended.

Coming to your senses in the Redwood Forest opens you to receive important messages from the depths of the forest’s soul…the heights of pure potential resonating through all of nature…down to the humble earthworm and violet shamrock petals blanketing the redwood soil.

When we walk out of the forest, you will have your answers along with a relaxed body, and a full heart.

Please call or text me for details on how we can shape the event around your needs so it makes total sense to you why this might be just what your spirit is craving.



If you prefer Coming to Your Senses in a wild wood nearer to where you live, I would love to be there, too. Thank you!